
Breathe Easy

Health isn’t all about working out, drinking celery juice, and cleansing your crystals under the full moon. Sometimes, the healthiest thing you can do is to just take some time out of your day for yourself. Some people like to meditate, some people like to cook, some people like to lie in bed eating microwave popcorn and watching reruns of Scrubs (guilty!). This week, we’re going to learn why the best thing you can invest in is actually yourself, and how that will help you in the long run.

Work is hard. No one is going to deny that! Everyday life is hard, too. Keeping your house clean, your kitchen stocked, your kids at school, it can all be very draining. If you don’t take time for yourself, you won’t be able to do everything else in your life to the level you want to, meaning that you’ll be upset later. You remember things better when studying them over a long period of time, rather than cramming, right? Give yourself some time to breathe!

One great way to refresh yourself is to paint, or draw. There are loads of online pages where you can print out colouring books for free, and even some applications that let you colour them online. We like this one, as the drawings are complicated enough to let us zone out and really focus on the colouring. It’s the little things in life, right?

A good night’s sleep is also crucial to helping you wake up refreshed. Make sure your curtains keep your room nice and dark, that you’re at the right temperature, and that there’s no light coming from any pesky devices nearby! Some people can find it hard to drift off to sleep at night, because their thoughts keep pinging around in their head, and we totally get that. There are so many podcasts designed to help people wind down at the end of the day, and Spotify has a setting that automatically turns the podcast off after an episode or two so you don’t need to worry about your battery dying. For the best mindnumbing, time-for-bed podcasts, we really like Sleep With Me (, where host Scooter rambles about episodes of TV shows he likes, his day, or complicated scientific principles in his soothing voice. If you’re someone that suffers from anxiety before bed, then there’s really no one that we prefer more than The Honest Guys ( who do fantastic guided meditations themed around their countryside home.