The Little Book of Zen Money

~ A Simple Path to Financial Peace of Mind ~

If you have always wanted a simpler, less stressful approach to money, this is the book for you. Put simply, money is a tool. When we understand it, we can control it: when we don’t, it can control us. “Seeing reality directly” lies at the heart of zen – and money management.

The Little Book of Zen Money will help you find your own path to financial peace of mind. If you, or someone you care about, have always found books about money too complicated jargon-filled and inaccessible, try reading some of the simple steps to zen money on our blog, or buy the book now.

About This Book

The latest book by The Seven Dollar Millionaire has been praised by Patrick Jenkins, the deputy editor of the Financial Times and chair of their Financial Literacy and Inclusion Campaign as “a fascinating and empowering exploration of how a little financial education can show the way to a calmer life.”

Written specifically for people who find managing money stressful (who doesn’t?), the Little Book of Zen Money has a three-part structure to help set you on a more simple path to financial peace of mind:

  • Zen and the Art of Money Management shows how important zen can be in understanding money
  • The Path is a MISSION shows the big steps you can take in your lifetime to achieve freedom from money worries
  • The Path is a Practice offers your first 49 steps to try on your own path.

The Seven Dollar Millionaire (also known as Michael Gilmore) has previously published two books. Happy Ever After: Financial Freedom Isn’t A Fairytale was written to teach his daughter everything she needs to know about money, and was published by Wiley in February 2021. The Thousand Dollar Journal was written for migrant workers in Singapore (and elsewhere) to help them build an emergency and save towards their own personal investing targets. He also writes for The Idler magazine, under the British pseudonym, the Seven Pound Millionaire.

While not writing under pen-names, he helps manage investments at Albizia Capital in Singapore, and has launched the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards, or MAIAs, which are “the Oscars for financial literacy”.